Book Recommendations!

Ri-Kai Global Communication Network

Book Recommendations!

Learning about your Strawman is key to breaking free of the system. It details how the system operates with its many different statutes which are enforced as laws but are not real laws. Also how  many people in different communities are unknowingly complicit in helping the system to operate by continuously funding its operations via taxes, car registraions, different license fees, birth certificates etc.

Uniform Commercial Code or UCC piggybacks off the Strawman and goes in depth on the different codes the United States Corporation operates on and as well as the power of contracts and jurisdictions. This book is key to learning that wording and what you say matters when it comes to interactions with coporations such as the Police Department and Court Houses and how they have no power over you unless you give them jurisdiction by "standing under them" or being "under" their jurisdiction.

This book details how the power to enforce Natural/Common Law can only rest in the Power of the people by way of Grand Jury. This book also highlights many different Supreme Court cases that have ruled only the People can Judge, enforce the Highest Law on the Land which is the Constitution, as well as what power courts and states have and don't have.

It's very imperative that we have a dictionary in our home librairy. Preferably Webster's 1828 as its has the original  meaning of many different words that have been altered over the course of time.

Having a Black's Law Dictinonary 6th edition or earlier is also very imperative as many words have different meanings when it comes to common law. An example of this are the words "Minority and Minor".  Minority lawfully meaning having the state or condition of a minor. Minor Lawfully meaning;
1. a person under the age of legal competence.
2. a person of inferior condition.
So if a group of people are constantly refering to themselves as a minority; not knowing the actually meaning of it is a person who has no standing in law and is of an inferior condition. How can that group be upset when the law doesn't apply to them when they're blatanly asking for it not to by being misinformed and lacking competence? 

Under the De Jure government the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Knowing what your constitutional rights are, as well as the powers delegated to the different branches of governmnt are very important to be conscious of.

Above all things you are a Human(for those who haven't merged with machine), and as a Human you have specific rights that have been Universally Delegated for you no matter the country or territory.

Learn about what Melanin is, how it is essential to life and how it  is all around us.

This book has a great deal of information on Healing the body naturally and what causes the body to be at dis-ease, different herbs and their purposes, and the dangers of many commonly used product ingredients.

Founder of "Black" History Month Dr. Carter G Woodson gives a detailed account on the mental brainwashing and mental enslavement of Moors mislabled Negro and how knowledge can change those circumstances.

Moorish History and Literature is deeply rooted in all aspects of society as we know it today. The book details the significance of the number 7 and its relationship to the Elohim  which are the 7 days of the week and the 7 main planets surrounding earths orbit. The importance of the wombman and her relationship to the 12 zodiac signs and the different days and seasons of the year. American history prior to European colonization and how it was whitewashed and manipulated. How lack of identity and natinoality has led to the land of the sovereign aboriginal people to be usurped. These are just a few of many topics that Indigenous Aboriginal Amercians should be privy to.

This book shows factual evidence of how Civilization as we know it began here on the continent of America and then migrated East to Africa and not the other way around. It also highlights the fact that there are more pyramids on the continent of American than in Africa. The cover image is from the Grand Canyon in the territory of Arizona.